INSPIRE consortium meeting at TU/e
On 23-24 May 2022, the INSPIRE consortium met in-person for the first time at TU/e to celebrate the 17 months of successful project implementation and to review the progress achieved so far.
INSPIRE project responds to the ever-increasing need of high-performance PICs by combining the three dominant photonic platforms, Indium phosphide, Silicon nitride and Silicon (CMOS), with the aim of creating and leveraging volume manufacturing techniques. The industrial viability will be validated through process transfer into a pilot line foundry process and multi-coupon transfer printing to enhance the throughput and yield of the transfer printing process.
To gain insights regarding the route to volume production, the consortium invited a member of our Industrial Advisory Board, Hitesh Ballani from Microsoft Research Cambridg,e who shared his views on the topic.
As a part of the meeting, partners had the opportunity to visit TU/e´s lab and cleanroom facilities.
We are looking forward to continuing the work on the project for 2 more years!